Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Water as Miracle medicine.

Firstly let me introduce myself. I am a 45 years old computer professional. Started my career in 1991. Since then working with computers.

I had to sit for long hours on computers as everybody else do.
And soon due to less physical activity my health started deteriorating. Just after two years I was diagnosed with kidney stones.

I took medicine and after sometime was relieved of it. But the lifestyle remained the same. Less physical activity and LESS WATER INTAKE. Kidney stones were early signs of less water intake, and I got rid of it with the help of WATER and an ayurvedic medicine named CALCUROSIN which an MD doctor had suggested to me and it worked really well. It was in Nov 1994 may be 1995.

Then I changed my lifestyle started exercising, drinking water etc and life seemed perfect. Soon I got back to old life style and problems again started surfacing. But being mild in nature I ignored them.

But then in 2007 something happened and My lifestyle changed. Major changes were these.

At breakfast I would have some water and at lunch no water at all instead I would take a COLD DRINK. That too in summers when the temperature reaches as high as 45 to 48 here in my city.

Then again next year in summers I took less water and so on till 2010. In April 2011 My knees started producing a clicking sound. I consulted a doctor who recommended me to exercise and with some exercise clicking sound seemed diminished but ...  whenever i got up from ground I felt like my right knee would come out.

I consulted many literally many doctors. Took homeopathic medicine for a month pain subsided but knee problem remained the same. Then I consulted another doctor and he gave me one  injection every month and some medicine for two months I followed my pain diminished My uric acid levels came down to 5.0. But ... the knee problem remained. It was in year 2012. My doctor told me that I have to take some medicine for the rest of my life. I was not pleased to hear that. And after two months course I stopped taking medicine. In the meanwhile I consulted some doctors both homoepaths and allopaths. But none of them assured that this problem would be solved completely. They told me to take medicine on regular basis. Which I was not feeling comfortable with.

I tried many natural methods from internet. Like using APPLE CIDER VINEGAR with water early morning. Lime with water early morning. Both of these methods surely relieved me of pain within a day or two my uric acid would come down. There would be no more pimples on my face. But the knee problem remained. And in winters my uric acid would shoot up. As I could not take lime so I resorted to Lime Achar with APPLE CIDER VINEGAR. Whenever I would have pimples on my face I would start taking Lime achar in breakfast and my Uric acid would come down.

Please note that I am a TEETOTALER strict vegetarian. No meat. Every doctor recommended me no meat. as my uric acid was going up.


Then how my uric was rising. Simple thing I was taking less water almost 2 or three glasses of water in entire day and I never felt thirsty. Looked healthy.

 Then I found a link on net that person recommended at least 5 liters of water  everyday. I found his books and started following.

And the miracle happened

within 8 days My pimples are gone. My knee problem is getting better with each passing day and I  am feeling young energized motivated light.

How this transformation happened ?

Seems too good to believe.

If any one has any body problem which doctors say can't be cured download this file read it completely and start supplying water to your body. I am 100% sure that your problem would be resolved 


watch this video whatever this doc says is 100% true
I have experienced my self

This is old method already used in INDIA.
But nowadays people have forgotten.

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